Christ My Song - 1305
Ground of my hope, the Cross appears!
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Ground of my hope, the Cross appears!
"But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross." (Galatians 6,14)
1. Ground of my hope, the Cross appears!
I see the "man of sorrows" bleed;
I bid adieu to guilty fears,
and in his death my pardon read. PDF - Midi
2. And couldst thou, O my Saviour, die
to rescue me from endless woe?
Enough! there's none more blessed than I,
since thou couldst love a sinner so.
3. I leave the world its boasted store
of pleasures that must quickly end,
I prize its vanities no more,
since I have found the sinner's friend.
4. I care not if the world revile,
the world that hates my Master's cause;
the world, I know, would quickly smile,
were I again what once I was.
5. Then farewell, world, and farewell all
that emulates a Saviour's claims;
I'll hear him, and obey his call,
regardless who approves or blames.
6. I'll praise him while he gives me breath,
nor then will cease to sing his love;
for, when my voice is lost in death,
I hope to join the choirs above.
Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 598.