Christ My Song-Logo
Hymn score of: Praises more than we can render (Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 1313

Praises more than we can render
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Praises more than we can render.

"Greatly to be praised." (Psalm 48,1)

1. Praises more than we can render,
  more than men or angels can,
be to Jesus, good and tender,
  who to rescue fallen man,
    came from yonder throne on high,
    came to suffer, bleed, and die! PDF - Midi

2. Who can tell in earth or heaven,
  what that bitter cup contained,
which to Jesus then was given,
  which he drank, and which he drained?
    Death itself was found therein,
    death, the full desert of sin.

3. But who knows the fearful meaning
  of that word? or who can tell
how the Saviour felt when screening
  sinners from the pains of hell?
    'Tis a theme with wonder fraught,
    one too high for human thought.

4 But enough is told, to bind us
  to the cross, and keep us bound:
those who seek us, there will find us,
  there at least we should be found;
    waiting at the Saviour's feet,
    'tis the place for sinners meet.

Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 215.

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