Christ My Song - 1335
See the saints in heav'n appearing
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
See the saints in heav'n appearing.
"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes."
(Revelation 7,17)
1. See the saints in heav'n appearing;
heav'n that yields them sweet repose:
nothing wanting, nothing fearing,
safe from every storm that blows;
free from sorrow, sin, and fear,
having all they hoped for here. PDF - Midi
2. All their conflicts now are over;
all their dangers are no more;
and with joy they now discover
all that lay concealed before.
Filled with wonder they survey
all the perils of the way.
3. Perils past and gone for ever;
O how cheering is the thought!
Once we pass through yonder river
then we rest and labour not.
Nothing is to those oppressed
grateful as the thought of rest.
4. Rest from toil, and rest from terror;
rest from all assaults of foes;
rest from those who, loving error,
hate the Saviour, and oppose;
rest from all that causes grief,
sweet the hope of such relief.
5. Hope of this our toils can lighten;
hope has pow'r to cheer the faint;
hope of this our gloom will brighten;
hope sustains the trembling saint;
hope is ours, then farewell fear;
hope the darkest hour can cheer.
Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 110.