Christ My Song - 1340
See where the Lord his glory spreads
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
See where the Lord his glory spreads.
"Who coverest thyself with light." (Psalm 104,2)
1. See where the Lord his glory spreads,
thro' yonder mansion filled with light;
his least perfection far exceeds
the reach of fancy's boldest flight. PDF - Midi
2. Around his everlasting throne
ten thousand times ten thousand sing:
they worship him as God alone,
and crown him everlasting King.
3. Approach, ye saints, this God is yours;
'tis Jesus fills the throne above;
ye cannot fail while God endures;
ye cannot want while God is love.
4. Come then, and swell the note of praise,
in Jesu's name rejoice and sing:
while angels on his glory gaze,
the saints may cry, "Behold our King."
5. Jesus, thou everlasting King,
to thee the praise of heav'n belongs;
yet smile on us, who fain would bring
the tribute of our humbler songs.
6. Though sin defile our worship here,
we hope, ere long, thy face to view;
in heav'n with angels to appear,
and praise thy name as angels do.
Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 46.