Christ My Song - 1344
To the cross, away, away!
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
To the cross, away, away!
"God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross."
(Galatians 6,14)
1. To the cross, away, away!
'Tis the place for you and me;
'tis the place, again I say,
where a sinner ought to be. PDF - Midi
2. There it is, and only there;
what the sinner wants is found;
there he breathes a purer air,
all is tainted, all around.
3. Light is there, and there alone;
all is dark but one bright spot:
that on which the Lord has shone,
light is there, but elsewhere not.
4. To the cross away, away,
while forbearance still endures;
haste ye on, "while 'tis called today,"
for tomorrow is not yours.
5. Ere another dawn begins,
who can tell what change may be?
He that dieth in his sins
life in heav'n will never see.
6. Happy they who life have found
in the cross, of life the spring.
Joy is theirs, and shall abound
when in heav'n they see their king.
Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 23.