Christ My Song - 1348
Hark the notes of angels singing
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Hark the notes of angels singing.
"Worthy is the Lamb." (Revelation 5,12)
1. Hark the notes of angels singing –
"Glory, glory to the Lamb!"
All in heav'n their tribute bringing,
raising high the Saviour's name. PDF - Midi
2. Ye for whom his life was given,
sacred themes to you belong:
come assist the choir of heaven;
join the everlasting song.
3. Saints and angels thus united,
songs imperfect still must raise;
though despised on earth, and slighted,
Jesus is above all praise.
4. See th' angelic hosts have crowned him,
Jesus fills the throne on high:
countless myriads, hov'ring round him,
with his praises rend the sky.
5. Filled with holy emulation,
let us vie with those above:
sweet the theme – a free salvation!
Fruit of everlasting love.
6. Endless life in him possessing,
let us praise his precious name:
glory, honour, power and blessing,
be for ever to the Lamb.
Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 41.