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Hymn score of: For whom is yonder crown prepared (Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 1349

For whom is yonder crown prepared
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

For whom is yonder crown prepared.

"Endured the cross, despising the shame,
and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." (Hebrews 12,2)

1. For whom is yonder crown prepared,
  of workmanship divine?
For Jesus is the bright reward;
  for him its glories shine. PDF - Midi

2. Beneath the earth awhile he lies,
  a pris'ner with the dead;
a victor soon the Lord will rise,
  and glory wreathe his head.

3. He saw the cross, despised its shame,
  and bowed beneath its weight;
for this he bears the greatest name,
  and gains the highest seat.

4. To him shall every knee be bowed;
  his claim shall angels own;
around the rising victor crowd,
  and bear him to his throne.

5. Behold, ye saints, behold your King,
  by hosts angelic crowned:
they shout, and heav'n's high arches ring
  with the triumphant sound.

6. Let saints on earth their tribute bring,
  and echo back the sound;
for he who saves them is the King,
  by hosts angelic crowned.

Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 40.

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