Christ My Song - 1357
Seed of the woman, looked for long
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Seed of the woman, looked for long.
"Emmanuel, which, being interpreted, is, God with us."
(Matthew 1,23)
1. Seed of the woman, looked for long,
he comes at the appointed time.
With joy we hear the angels' song,
'tis sweet, 'tis solemn, 'tis sublime. PDF - Midi
2. "To God on high let glory be,
to man, good will and peace on earth;"
we give the praise, O Lord, to thee,
and hail with joy the Saviour's birth.
3. Mysterious Child! to thee we bow;
to thee a willing homage yield;
to thee, of all things heir, though now
a babe, by mortal arms upheld.
4. A mystery confounding thought!
And yet a fact to childhood plain!
A fact with blessings richly fraught,
what angels love, what men disdain.
5. But those there are throughout the earth
who know what others do not know;
they own the royal infant's birth,
and meekly in his presence bow.
6. A glorious day will come, they know,
when he, who now appears so weak,
will, "conqu'ring, and to conquer", go,
and all the other sceptres break.
7. But he has much to suffer ere
that glorious day arrive. For pain
and shame, and death, await him here:
till this is passed, he cannot reign.
8. 'Tis thus the awful debt is paid
to justice due; and thus a way
for love to gain its end is made,
we read and wonder: well we may.
Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 11.