Christ My Song - 1383
Yes, Lord, thou hast the words of life
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Yes, Lord, thou hast the words of life.
"Thou hast the words of eternal life." (John 6,68)
1. Yes, Lord, thou hast the words of life,
"eternal life". To whom should we
or others go, for rest from strife,
for inward peace, but unto thee. PDF - Midi
2. Thy words of grace and truth can quell
the inward storm, and make it cease;
and when the billows heave and swell,
thy words are heard, and all is peace.
3. When thoughts impure arise within,
and passions that defy control,
thy words are found a match for sin,
they force the demon from the soul.
4. Thy words a living power have,
a "spirit" that is theirs alone;
thy words can cure, thy words can save,
thy words can break the heart of stone.
5. Thy words can heal the broken heart,
and take the sense of guilt away;
can peace and holy joy impart,
and hope, that hails the coming day.
6. All this thy words can do, we know,
and more, our thoughts surpassing far;
to whom, then, Saviour, should we go,
but to thyself, whose words they are?
Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 427.