Christ My Song - 1391
Neither "voice" we have, nor "vision"
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Neither "voice" we have, nor "vision".
"Seeing him who is invisible." (Hebrews 11,27)
1. Neither "voice" we have, nor "vision",
yet we walk as if we had;
objects of the world's derision;
sorrowful, yet always "glad".
On the word of truth relying,
word of him who cannot lie,
we go on, the foe defying,
knowing that the Lord is nigh. PDF - Midi
2. One "unseen" we own as master,
and with him we look to be;
fly, ye seasons, fly still faster,
till our "Lord from heav'n" we see.
Never can we rest, no never,
till the day when he appears;
then we cease from sin for ever,
and he wipes away our tears.
3. Then we shall be what we should be,
which, till then, can never be;
then we shall be where we would be,
dwelling, Lord, in heav'n with thee.
What a hope! To be for ever
in thy presence, Lord, above;
to behold thee there, and never
cease to sing thy grace and love.
4. With a hope like this, we would be
what thy people ought to be;
and we would not, if it could be,
shun the cross – 'twere unlike thee.
Grace we ask for, grace to bear it;
thou alone canst give the pow'r.
Be it ours with thee to share it,
and await the final hour.
Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 423.