Christ My Song - 1395
Have we known indeed, and tasted
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Have we known indeed, and tasted.
"If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious."
(1 Peter 2,3)
1. Have we known indeed, and tasted
that the Saviour gracious is?
If we have, why have we wasted
talents not our own, but his?
Why have we unfaithful proved?
Why the things "that perish" loved? PDF - Midi
2. With a price all price exceeding,
has the Lord his people bought.
Slaves he found them, little heeding;
his was grace, 'twas grace unsought.
'Twas the fruit of boundless love,
something far our thoughts above.
3. He has burst the chains that bound them:
blessed is his people's lot;
arms of mercy now surround them:
his is love that changes not.
They who by his grace are saved,
never more shall be enslaved.
4. Precious is the blood that bought them,
far beyond what words can tell;
marvellous the love that sought them,
this they know, they know full well.
Theirs it is to sing his praise,
theirs to love his holy ways.
5. Theirs to live in expectation
of a glorious day to come,
when the God of their salvation
will return to take them home.
Theirs to see him as he is,
and to live with him and his.
Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 418.