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Hymn score of: Half a wreck, by tempests driven (Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 1407

Half a wreck, by tempests driven
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Half a wreck, by tempests driven.

"So he bringeth them unto their desired haven."
(Psalm 107,30)

1. Half a wreck, by tempests driven,
  yet this feeble bark survives;
dashed against the rocks, and riven,
  in the midst of death it lives;
    see it pressed on every side;
    see it still the storm outride. PDF - Midi

2. Can a bark, like mine, so shattered,
  ever reach yon friendly shore?
Tempest-tossed so long, and battered,
  can it stand one conflict more?
    Should another storm assail,
    mast and planks and all must fail.

3. So they would, but One that's greater
  than the storms and waves is here;
he it is, whose name is sweeter
  far than music to my ear;
    he preserves my shattered bark,
    he makes light when all is dark.

4. Jesus is the Lord, who hears me
  when the tempest roars around;
he it is whose presence cheers me,
  when I hear the dreadful sound;
    trusting to his grace and pow'r,
    need I fear the darkest hour?

5. What though every plank is starting,
  waves are running mountain high,
thunders rolling, lightnings darting,
  and no saving hand seems nigh?
    Let me still no danger fear,
    Jesus, though unseen, is near.

Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 274.

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