Christ My Song - 1433
Saviour, through the desert lead us
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Saviour, through the desert lead us.
"And he led them on safely." (Psalm78,53)
1. Saviour, through the desert lead us,
without thee we cannot go;
thou from cruel chains hast freed us,
thou hast laid the tyrant low:
let thy presence
cheer us all our journey through. PDF - Midi
2. With a price thy love has bought us:
(Saviour, what a love is thine!)
hitherto thy pow'r has brought us;
(pow'r and love in thee combine;)
Lord of glory,
ever on thine Israel shine.
3. Through a desert waste and cheerless,
though our destined journey lie,
rendered by thy presence fearless,
we may every foe defy;
nought shall move us,
while we see our Saviour nigh.
4. When we halt (no track discov'ring),
fearful lest we go astray,
o'er our path thy pillar hov'ring,
fire by night, and cloud by day,
shall direct us;
thus we shall not miss our way.
5. When we hunger, thou wilt feed us,
manna shall our camp surround;
faint and thirsty, thou wilt heed us;
streams shall from the rock abound:
happy Israel!
What a Saviour thou hast found!
6. When our foes in arms assemble,
ready to obstruct our way,
suddenly their hearts shall tremble,
thou wilt strike them with dismay;
and thy people,
led by thee, shall win the day.
7. Then lead on, almighty victor,
scatter every hostile band;
be our guide, and our protector,
till on Canaan's shores we stand:
shouts of vict'ry
then shall fill the promised land.
Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 685.