Christ My Song - 1450
As a lamb led forth to slaughter
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
As a lamb led forth to slaughter.
"He is brought as a lamb to the slaughter." (Isaiah 53,7)
1. As a lamb led forth to slaughter,
Jesus on his way proceeds:
see his foes are filled with laughter,
while the patient victim bleeds.
Jesus dies, by man abhorred;
Jesus, chosen of the Lord. PDF - Midi
2. Jesus dies in love to others;
greater love hath none than this:
love of kindred, love of mothers,
feeble is, compared to his.
Who can tell its breadth and length?
Who its depth, its height, its strength?
3. Come, my soul, look here and wonder,
here's a sight to cause surprise:
well the rocks might cleave asunder;
well might darkness veil the skies:
'twas the voice of nature then;
nature's voice reproving men.
4. Nature's voice, again reproving,
would be heard should I not speak:
none has greater cause for loving
him who came the lost to seek:
yet my love, how cold it is!
O how different mine from his!
5. Ah, my Lord, thou know'st thy servant,
weak, unfaithful, apt to slide;
make his love more pure and fervent,
let him at thy feet abide.
Thine the tribute of his praise,
thine the remnant of his days.
Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 17.