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Hymn score of: Praise the Lord, who died to save us (Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 1453

Praise the Lord, who died to save us
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Praise the Lord, who died to save us.

"Praise ye the Lord." (Psalm 113,1)

1. Praise the Lord, who died to save us,
  praise his name, for ever dear;
praise his blessed name, who gave us
  eyes to see, and ears to hear.
        Praise the Saviour,
  object of our love and fear. PDF - Midi

2. Grace it was, 'twas grace abounding,
  brought him down to save the lost:
ye above, his throne surrounding,
  praise him, praise him all his host.
        Saints adore him,
  ye are they who owe him most.

3. Ye, of all his hand created,
  objects of his grace alone,
aliens once, but reinstated,
  destined now to fill a throne,
        sing with wonder,
  sing of what our Lord has done.

4. Praise his name, who died to save us,
  'tis by him his people live;
and in him the Father gave us
  all that boundless love could give;
        life eternal
  in our Saviour we receive.

Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 18.

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