Christ My Song - 1510
Ho, ye thirsty! here's a spring
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Ho, ye thirsty! here's a spring.
"Ho, every one that thirsteth!" (Isaiah 55,1)
1. Ho, ye thirsty! here's a spring,
opened by the King of heaven;
ye who nothing have to bring,
here are waters freely giv'n:
whither would you go? oh, whither
Here's the spring of life; come hither. PDF - Midi
2. Come, ye thirsty, here's the spring,
whence the living waters flow;
hear the message of a King,
Whither, whither would you go?
'Tis in Zion's sacred mountain
men will find the living fountain.
3. Hearken, O ye sons of men!
Stop in time, O stop and think!
You will thirst, and thirst again,
while at other springs ye drink:
this alone is satisfying,
everlasting life supplying.
Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 688.