Christ My Song-Logo
Hymn score of: Sinner, wilt thou still go on? (Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 1524

Sinner, wilt thou still go on?
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Sinner, wilt thou still go on?

"Why will ye die?" (Ezekiel 18,31)

1. Sinner, wilt thou still go on?
  Fear'st thou not eternal death?
Think how every hope is gone,
  when the sinner yields his breath. PDF - Midi

2. Did some earthly int'rest call,
  wouldst thou, couldst thou careless be?
Think of thine eternal all,
  sinner, what's the world to thee?

3. Can the world remove thy sin?
  Can it set thy conscience free?
Can it give thee peace within?
  Sinner, what's the world to thee?

4. Why, ah why provoke the Lord?
  Is thine arm omnipotent?
Why despise his gracious word?
  why upon destruction bent?

5. Canst thou still of sin make light,
  nor suppose the danger great?
See the cross! for there's a sight
  well explains thy awful state.

6. See the Lamb of God in pain!
  Pain like his has never been;
this, in language clear an plain,
  speaks the true desert of sin.

7. But while justice gives the wound,
  mercy's voice is heard to say,
"See the ransom I have found!
  Jesus is the living way."

8 Sinner, here is hope for thee,
  Jesus bore the sinner's shame;
this is thy sufficient plea,
  life is in his saving name.

Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 338.

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