Christ My Song-Logo
Hymn score of: Hours, and days, and months, and years - The Circumcision of Christ (John S. B. Monsell/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 1551

Hours, and days, and months, and years - The Circumcision of Christ (John S. B. Monsell/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

The Circumcision of Christ.

"The Blood of Christ, who through the Eternal Spirit
offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience
from dead works to serve the living God." (Hebrews 9,14)

1. Hours, and days, and months, and years,
  come and go, arise and fall,
gains and losses, smiles and tears
  freely scattered through them all;
O my Saviour! let them be
  (radiant with thy life divine)
spent in better serving thee,
  and becoming wholly thine. PDF - Midi

2. O'er the threshold of the year,
  sprinkled with thy precious blood,
let me draw to thee more near,
  made by thee more wise and good;
O my Saviour! when this soul
  proudly would its way pursue,
let thy sorrow's soft control
  gently chasten and subdue.

3. For the blessed years gone by,
  and the joys which winged their flight,
for the blessed hopes on high,
  making all the future bright;
for the stay and strength thou art,
  ever wast, and still shalt be,
O my Saviour! let this heart
  ring its joy-bells out to thee.

4. Let the mem'ry of the past
  shed its glow on years to come,
yield its wisdom, and at last
  light my wand'ring footsteps home;
O my Saviour! with thy blood
  sprinkle all my future days,
make them holy, keep them good,
  fill them with thine endless praise.

John S. B. Monsell, Hymns of Love and Praise, 1877, 17-18.

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