Christ My Song-Logo
Hymn score of: Jesus, the Shepherd of the sheep (Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 1907

Jesus, the Shepherd of the sheep
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Jesus, the Shepherd of the sheep.

"I am the good Shepherd." (John 10,10)

1. Jesus, the Shepherd of the sheep,
thy "little flock" in safety keep,
  the flock for which thou cam'st from heaven,
  the flock for which thy life was given. PDF - Midi

2. Thou saw'st them wand'ring far from thee,
secure, as if from danger free;
  thy love did all their wand'rings trace,
  and bring them to "a wealthy place".

3. O guard thy sheep from beasts of prey!
and keep them that they never stray;
  cherish the young, sustain the old,
  let none be feeble in thy fold.

4. Secure them from the scorching beam,
and lead them to the living stream;
  in verdant pastures let them lie,
  and watch them with a shepherd's eye.

5. O may thy sheep discern thy voice!
and in its sacred sound rejoice;
  from strangers may they ever flee,
  and know no other guide but thee.

6. Lord, bring thy sheep that wander yet,
and let the number be complete;
  then let thy flock from earth remove,
  and occupy the fold above.

Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 129.

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