Christ My Song-Logo
Hymn score of: He who saved us when assaulted (Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 1923

He who saved us when assaulted
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

He who saved us when assaulted.

"He will deliver me." (1 Samuel 17,37)

1. He who saved us when assaulted
  by the lion and the bear,
high on yonder throne exalted,
  stoops to save his people here:
    he will save his servants now,
    he will lay the giant low. PDF - Midi

2. Who is this that thus defieth
  those whom God preserves from harm?
Who is this that thus relieth
  on his arm, his own right arm?
    Short his arm and feeble is,
    feeble in a strife like this.

3. With a sword he comes to meet us,
  with a spear and with a shield;
thinking quickly to defeat us,
  and to chase us from the field:
    vain his boast, his hope is vain,
    he shall lie among the slain.

4. In that name we come to meet him,
  in that name, high over all;
in that name we shall defeat him,
  and before it he shall fall:
    vain the shield, the spear, the sword,
    vain his help against the Lord.

5. And his people shall with wonder
  look on him they feared before;
when they see their foe brought under,
  when his strength is now no more:
    then shall Israel sing indeed,
    when from fear and danger freed.

Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 249.

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