Christ My Song - 1924
Christians an arduous fight maintain
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Christians an arduous fight maintain.
"Fight the good fight of faith." (1 Timothy 6,12)
1. Christians an arduous fight maintain,
nor do they hope or wish for peace,
till they their heavenly mansion gain,
then, not before, their conflicts cease. PDF - Midi
2. Them whom they now account as foes,
they once without a blush obeyed;
and lived in amity with those,
who, while they wore a smile, betrayed.
3. Nor did they see the chain they wore;
or, if they saw, felt no alarm:
the yoke contentedly they bore,
till God himself dissolved the charm.
4. Awakened then as from a sleep,
and taught from whence their danger rose,
they flew to arms, resolved to keep
no terms with such deceitful foes.
5. With earth and hell in arms combined,
and with a heart as false as they,
are saints engaged, nor rest will find,
till they have reached the realms of day.
6. The fight unequal seems, 'tis true;
it would be so but for his grace,
who arms provides, and courage too,
with which his saints the foe may face.
7. He who appeared on David's side,
when matched with his gigantic foe,
is still the same, and will provide
for all his struggling saints below.
8. And when the last great foe appears,
he'll find them proof against his power;
for God, their God, will quell their fears,
and save them in a dying hour.
9. This conflict past, the work is done,
they'll see their enemies no more;
the final victory is won,
and then they reach the heavenly shore.
10. In robes of white they stand arrayed,
the palm's triumphant branch they bear;
adorned with crowns that never fade,
before their King they all appear.
11. And while they sing before his throne,
the Lamb, the Lamb inspires their songs;
salvation comes from him alone;
to him eternal praise belongs.
Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 250.