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Hymn score of: Joyful let us raise our voices (Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 1928

Joyful let us raise our voices
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Joyful let us raise our voices.

"Bound in affliction and iron." (Psalm 107,10)

1. Joyful let us raise our voices,
  pris'ners once, but now set free;
as the bird released, rejoices
  and exults in liberty;
    so the slaves of sin, when freed,
    feel that they are free indeed. PDF - Midi

2. Bound we were with iron fetters,
  galling was the yoke we bore;
debtors we, insolvent debtors,
  yet unfelt the chain we wore:
    sleep had all our powers oppressed,
    and we dreamt that this was rest.

3. But, as with a voice of thunder,
  were we roused from sleep profound;
then our souls were filled with wonder,
  all was new and strange around:
    grievous then our chains appeared;
    much we felt, and much we feared.

4. Then the voice of mercy sounded
  sweet as music in our ears;
"Grace abounds where sin abounded;"
  grace it is removes our fears;
    grace has power to cheer our hearts,
    grace, a holy joy imparts.

5. Grace we sing, "the grace of Jesus;"
  grace, the spring of hope to man;
grace, that from our bondage frees us;
  grace, too high for thought to scan;
    grace, the theme that sinners love;
    grace, a theme all themes above.

Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 245.

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