Christ My Song - 1946
Lord, let the people of thy love
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Lord, let the people of thy love.
"If ye love me, keep my commandments." (John 14,15)
1. Lord, let the people of thy love
be zealous in thy cause;
in every instance let them prove
obedient to thy laws. PDF - Midi
2. The people thou hast made thine own
should listen to thy voice,
should look to thee, to thee alone,
and in thy will rejoice.
3. 'Tis thus they glorify thy name,
and prove their origin;
'tis thus they put their foes to shame,
and silence foolish men.
4. O! teach us, Lord, to walk with thee,
as children of the light;
unspotted from the world to be,
and pleasing in thy sight.
5. Let all our talk directed be
by thine unerring word:
'tis meet that we should live to thee,
our Saviour and our Lord.
Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 171.