Christ My Song - 1951
Our souls, they cleave unto the dust
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Our souls, they cleave unto the dust.
"My soul cleaveth unto the dust." (Psalm 119,25)
1. Our souls, they cleave unto the dust:
O quicken us, or cleave they must,
for ever: 'tis thy power, O Lord,
and thine alone, can help afford. PDF - Midi
2. A force with which we cannot cope,
withstands us, and forbids the hope
that we should rise, except by thee:
this knowing, to thy power we flee.
3. The thing that we can never do,
is easy, Lord, to thee, we know;
we cast ourselves before thy feet,
O hear us from thy mercy seat.
4. Exert the power exerted then,
what time the Saviour rose again;
ascended up above thy sky,
and took his destined place on high.
5. The power that wrought and triumphed thus,
exert, O Lord, exert in us;
and let thy people quickened be,
to holy zeal, and love to thee.
6. Let things above our thoughts employ
let peace be ours, and holy joy;
till, brought to yonder glorious place,
we bless thy name, and see thy face.
Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 154.