Christ My Song - 1956
I came and saw, and hoped to conquer - The Good Fight
(Horatius Bonar/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
The Good Fight.
1. I came and saw, and hoped to conquer,
as the great Roman once had done:
his was the one hour's torrent shock of battle;
my field was harder to be won. PDF - Midi
2. I came and saw, but did not conquer;
the foes were fierce, their weapons strong:
I came, I saw, but yet I did not conquer;
for me the fight was sore and long.
3. They said the war was brief and easy;
a word, a look, would crush the throng:
to some it may have been a moment's conflict;
to me it has been sore and long.
4. They said the threats were coward bluster;
to brave men they could work no wrong:
so some may boast of swift and easy battle;
to me it has been sore and long.
5. And yet I know that I shall conquer,
though sore and hard the fight may be;
I know, I know I shall be more than victor,
through him who won the fight for me.
6. I fight, not fearful of the issue,
my victory is sure and near;
yet not the less with hand and eye all watchful,
grasp I my buckler and my spear.
7. For I must fight if I would conquer;
'tis not by flight that fields are won:
and I must conquer, if I would inherit
the victor's joy, and crown, and throne.
Horatius Bonar, Hymns of Faith and Hope II, 1872, 50-51.