Christ My Song - 2093
Long and earnestly she pleaded - Help in Hindrances
(John S. B. Monsell/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Help in Hindrances.
Second Sunday in Lent.
"Great is thy faith; be unto thee even as thou wilt."
(Matthew 15,28)
1. Long and earnestly she pleaded,
grief and faith her spirit stirred,
mercy for her child she needed,
but he answered not a word. PDF - Midi
2. Still she prayed, and drew the nearer,
sorrow made her spirit bold,
for she felt her Lord would hear her,
tho' all other hearts were cold.
3. Yes! he hears her, but the token
that her voice had reached his ear,
when that silence sad is broken,
fails the drooping heart to cheer:
4. 'She is but a Gentile stranger,
Israel's fold his chiefest care:'
surely this repulse will change her
earnest pleading to despair.
5. Still she prayed, and still she pleaded,
tho' all hope seemed well-nigh past;
'but the bread the children needed
cannot to the dogs be cast.'
6. Oh how cold the outward seeming
of such answer to her cry!
Was she waking? was she dreaming?
could this be the Lord's reply?
7. Yet how gently is she able
still to plead, in spite of all?
'Truth! the crumbs from off the table
even to the dogs may fall.'
8. It is done! the cloud hath melted,
yon dark cloud so cold before;
sunshine bathes her, she hath felt it
pass into her spirit's core:
9. He, who seemed so dull to hear her,
answered not thro' very love,
stood aloof, to draw her nearer,
moved not, that her soul might move.
10. All that shade, and seeming coldness,
hanging o'er his gentle face,
he assumed to stir her 'boldness'
coming to the 'throne of grace'.
11. Now with tenderness inclining
he doth turn to soothe her pain,
she like 'tender grass' is 'shining'
in his sunshine 'after rain'.
12. Thus, my soul, in all thy pleadings
let thy faith unwearied be,
what at first seem lets are leadings
sent to help, not hinder thee.
13. Trust the promises, which never
fail to answer earnest prayer:
clouds may rise, but Love is ever
shining bright behind them there.
14. And thro' all this Lenten season
watch and wait, and trust and pray,
sure there is some blessed reason,
if Love linger on the way.
15. They, who can with crumbs content them,
thankful on the least to live,
soon shall have all blessing sent them
which the Lord of Live can give.
John S. B. Monsell, 'Spiritual Songs', 1864, 46-48.