Christ My Song - 2099
Jesus Christ! thou Son of David! - The Call of Christ
(John S. B. Monsell/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
The Call of Christ.
Quinquagesima Sunday.
"Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me."
(Luke 18,38)
1. Jesus Christ! thou Son of David!
mercy, mercy have on me;
for my soul, too long enslavèd,
sighs for liberty and thee. PDF - Midi
2. On life's wayside, dull and dreary,
I can hear thee passing by,
but my heart is sad and weary
till I see thee with mine eye.
3. Long, alas! by passion blinded,
wand'ring off the narrow way,
O how hard it is to find it!
Turn, my Saviour, turn and stay.
4. Hush, poor soul! thy Lord is going
on to weariness and pain;
wilt thou then, this secret knowing,
care to lift thy voice again?
5. Yes! I will – his very sorrow
makes me know he feels for mine,
thence alone my heart doth borrow
all its hope and light divine.
6. Had he stayed in bliss above me,
I might doubt his care to bless,
but what proof, that he doth love me,
better than the wilderness?
7. There let his sweet voice allure me,
I will follow and have rest,
certain that he will ensure me
comfort in the way that's best.
8. But canst thou, with calm conviction,
trust him even tho' he slay,
and his footsteps of affliction
follow as the safest way?
9. Yes! I can – let me but hear him,
I shall follow that sweet Voice,
thankful only to be near him,
till his light my soul rejoice:
10. waiting till his glory lighten
these dark eyes to look on him,
and behold his sunshine brighten
all that else on earth were dim.
11. Only let my Lord precede me,
only let him deign to bless,
I shall follow – lead me, lead me,
'Up into the wilderness.'
12. Rise, glad soul! thy prayer is granted,
soon thy longing eyes shall see
that for which thy heart hath panted:
rise, thy Saviour calleth thee.
John S. B. Monsell, 'Spiritual Songs', 1864, 40-41.