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Hymn score of: How the spirit oft is moved - Joy in Heaven (John S. B. Monsell/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 2103

How the spirit oft is moved - Joy in Heaven
(John S. B. Monsell/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Joy in Heaven.

Third Sunday after Trinity.

"There is joy in the presence of the angels of God
over one sinner that repenteth." (Luke 15,10)

1. How the spirit oft is moved
  by the sounds of joy on earth,
ringing laugh from voice beloved!
  Manly cheer, or childish mirth! PDF - Midi

2. Songs of birds in leafy trees,
  hum of insects everywhere,
joy-bells coming up the breeze,
  playing with the evening air:

3. all, like notes of one full chord,
  bearing each its proper part,
soft and sweet, as loving word,
  pass into the human heart.

4. If the joy of earth below
  be so fair to hear and see;
who of mortal men can know
  what the joy of Heaven must be?

5. 'Joy in Heaven,' where joy alone
  in perfection may be found,
spreading from the glorious throne
  widening circles all around;

6. till throughout remotest space
  each successive circle steals,
with its bright and holy grace,
  into everything that feels.

7. Sure it is no vain conceit,
  but a faith to feeling dear,
that whate'er of soft or sweet
  ever waits around us here,

8. is some faint pulsation felt
  from the joy of Heaven above,
that can die not, till it melt
  human hearts to joy and love.

9. Summer breeze! 'tis Heaven's pure air
  stirred above by angel's wing! –
Pleasant sound! 'tis music there,
  echoed from where angels sing:

10. 'Indescribable delight!'
  that doth oft the heart beguile,
comes from waving rings of light
  moved by God's approving smile.

11. Pleasant thought! but still more blessed
  that which we for surety know,
that into the realms of rest
  joy may e'en from mortals flow.

12. Not our pride, nor our success,
  angels' sympathy may win,
but the tear of heart-distress,
  shed in penitence for sin.

13. Not, like drops of morning dew,
  jewel-like to distant eyes,
and whose light, on nearer view,
  slowly fades away and dies;

14. but, like diamonds in the mine
  of Redemption, seen afar,
and to hearts and eyes divine
  brighter than the evening star.

15. Such the tears repentance sheds,
  when the soul to God is given;
dew-drops here on drooping heads,
  jewels there, and 'Joy in Heaven.'

John S. B. Monsell, 'Spiritual Songs', 1864, 118-120.

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