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Hymn score of: Would I lead another right? - The Silent Teacher (John S. B. Monsell/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 2104

Would I lead another right? - The Silent Teacher
(John S. B. Monsell/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

The Silent Teacher.

Fourth Sunday after Trinity.

"Cast out first the beam out of thine own eye,
and then shalt thou see clearly to pull out
the mote that is in thy brother's eye." (Luke 6,42)

1. Would I lead another right?
  Lord I first must walk with thee:
Would I help another's sight?
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2. Would I wander all around
  seeking those who Godless roam?
I must first myself be found –
  'Charity begins at home!'

3. Would I others' vineyards keep,
  warn of tares while men have slept?
I must rouse myself from sleep,
  my own vineyard must be kept.

4. They, who struggle to be free
  from the faith they own but fear,
oft believe the truths they see,
  while rejecting those they hear.

5. Self-accusing look or word
  better pleads than lofty speech,
in the heart's deep silence heard
  argument could never reach.

6. He – who his own will subdues
  to whatever God requires,
who can cheerfully refuse
  all his own untoward desires, –

7. he – who can unruffled bear
  bitter speech and taunt unkind,
bow to grief, and bend to care,
  gently with submissive mind, –

8. he – who, thro' the snares of earth
  that around his pathway lie,
mindful of his higher birth,
  presses on with Heavenward eye, –

9. preaches sermons to the heart,
  which the head would little heed,
if, tho' with consummate art,
  eloquence alone should plead.

10. Would I therefore guide another?
  I must walk myself aright:
would I save an erring brother
  from the mote that dims his sight?

11. I must honest be, and careful
  not about his eye alone,
but, with spirit prompt and prayerful,
  pluck the beam out of mine own.

John S. B. Monsell, 'Spiritual Songs', 1864, 121-122.

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