Christ My Song - 2250
I've found the pearl of greatest price
(John Mason/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
I've found the pearl of greatest price.
1. I've found the Pearl of greatest price,
my heart doth sing with joy:
and sing I must, a Christ I have:
all gold without alloy. PDF - Midi
2. Christ is a Prophet, Priest, and King –
a Prophet full of light,
a Priest who stands 'twixt God and me,
a King that rules with might.
3. This Christ, he is the Lord of lords,
he is the King of kings,
he is the Sun of Righteousness
with healing in his wings.
4. Christ is my meat, Christ is my drink,
my medicine, and my health,
my peace, my strength, my joy, my crown,
my glory, and my wealth.
5. Christ is my Saviour, and my friend,
my brother, yet my Lord,
my head, my hope, my counsellor,
my advocate with God.
6. My Saviour is the heaven of heaven,
and what shall I him call?
My Christ is first, my Christ is last,
my Christ is All in All.
John Mason, in: The Bible Hymn-Book. Edited by
the Rev. Horatius Bonar. 1860, 301-302.
There in 3 stanzas of 8 lines.