Christ My Song - 405
Peace! earth’s last battle has been won - The kingdom
(Horatius Bonar/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
The Kingdom.
1. Peace! earth's last battle has been won:
its days of conflict now are o'er;
the Prince of peace ascends the throne,
and war has ceased from shore to shore.
(PDF - Midi)
2. Rest! the world's day of toil is past:
each storm is hushed above, below;
creation's joy has come at last,
after six thousand years of woe.
3. Messiah reigns! earth's king has come;
its diadems are on his brow,
its rebel kingdoms have become
his everlasting kingdom now.
4. This earth again is paradise;
the desert blossoms as the rose;
clothed in its robes of bridal bliss,
creation has forgot its woes.
5. O, long-expected, absent long,
star of creation's troubled gloom!
Let heaven and earth break forth in song,
Messiah! Saviour! art thou come?
6. For thou hast bought us with thy blood,
and thou wast slain to set us free;
thou mad'st us kings and priests to God,
and we shall reign on earth with thee!
Horatius Bonar, Songs of Love and Joy 7.