Christ My Song - 411
Rejoice ye with Jerusalem!
(Horatius Bonar/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
"Rejoice ye with Jerusalem."
Isaiah 64,10.
1. Rejoice ye with Jerusalem!
her night of tears is o'er;
now comes her hour
of glorious power,
and splendour evermore.
Rejoice ye with Jerusalem!
city of peace and light;
her morn at last
is breaking fast,
and ended all her night.
Her widow's weeds are gone,
her royal robes put on. (PDF - Midi)
2. All ye who love Jerusalem,
be glad; her day has come,
her day of days,
of song and praise;
no more her voice is dumb.
Ye who have mourned with her and wept,
dry up your long, long tears;
upon her brow
sits beauty now,
and joy of endless years.
Formed of each precious gem,
see her fair diadem!
3. Ye who have read upon her walls
the guilt, the curse, the shame,
now full in view
see fair and new
her everlasting name.
Ye who have read upon her towers
the vengeance from above,
read now in light
the sentence bright
of pardon and of love.
Forgiven and comforted,
she lifts her joyful head.
4. Ye who have listened to her sighs,
and asked, "Why is she dumb?"
hear the sweet strain
ascend again;
her hour of song has come.
Ye who have watched her drink the cup
of trembling day by day,
see now at last
that cup has passed –
the wrath has fled away.
Instead of bitterness,
she drinks the cup of peace.
5. The sun of earth she needeth not,
nor asks his light again;
Jehovah is
her Sun of bliss,
her God her glory then.
Her moon again shall never wane,
nor shall her sun descend;
her storms are done,
her calm begun,
her mourning at an end.
Her long, long fast is done,
her long, long feast begun.
November 26th, 1881.
Horatius Bonar, "Until the Day break", 1890, 197-200.