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Hymn score of: Make friends with Time: the years are flying (Horatius Bonar/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 416

Make friends with Time: the years are flying
(Horatius Bonar/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Make friends with Time.

1. Make friends with Time: the years are flying;
  the eternal year before thee lies.
The world is fading; thou art dying:
  from slumber wake, from sloth arise.
        Waste not thy God-given prime;
        make friends with Time. PDF - Midi

2. Take hold of him who is undying;
  in him alone is life for thee;
on the unchanging Love relying,
  pass onwards to Eternity.
        Redeem thy precious prime;
        make friends with Time.

Horatius Bonar, "Until the Day break", 1890, 190-191.

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