Christ My Song - 421
Bearer of sin, he came to earth - "With his stripes we are healed"
(Horatius Bonar/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
"With his stripes we are healed."
1. Bearer of sin, he came to earth,
though rich, for us becoming poor,
God manifest in flesh for us,
our lot of darkness to endure. (PDF - Midi)
2. Bearer of sin, he lives our life,
the sinless, 'mid the sinful, here;
he walks on earth, with holy lips,
to speak the words of heavenly cheer.
3. He came in lowliness and grace,
our pain and poverty to share;
no sickness, that he did not heal;
no burden, that he did not bear.
4. No wound, but he could bind it up;
no tear, but he could wipe away;
for weariness he giveth rest,
for sorrow's midnight bringeth day.
5. For us he stands condemned by men;
for us he wears the thorny crown;
the Sacrifice for sin, he dies;
his life for ours he layeth down.
6. Guilt not his own but ours he takes;
stripes not his own but ours he bears;
for us is scourged and buffeted;
for us the purple robe he wears.
7. For us he drinks the bitter cup,
for us receives the felon's doom;
for us he bows beneath the curse,
for us descends into the tomb.
8. 'Tis finished: he has done it all;
peace he has made 'twixt earth and heaven.
that cross proclaims the Father's love,
the cancelled debt, the sin forgiven.
9. To Father and to Son the song
of joy and thankfulness we raise,
to Holy Spirit, Three in One,
we give the everlasting praise.
Horatius Bonar, "Until the day break", 1890, 27-29.