Christ My Song-Logo
Hymn score of: Rest of all rests art thou - Our first and last (Horatius Bonar/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 423

Rest of all rests art thou - Our first and last
(Horatius Bonar/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Our first and last.

1. Rest of all rests art thou;
  in thee we rest:
joy of all joys art thou;
  then are we blessed.
Gladness is still with thee,
Jesus, shine down on me,
Jesus, shine down on me,
  naught shall molest! (PDF - Midi)

2. Star of the East art thou;
  thy blessed ray
turneth the morn to noon,
  the night to day.
Shine, O Lord, brightly shine,
into this soul of mine,
into this soul of mine,
  shine night away!

3. Teach us the song above,
  even here below;
the glad new song of love,
  Lord, teach us now!
Thus shall we, day by day,
sing all along the way,
sing all along the way,
  till our hearts glow.

4. Spirit of love and light,
  on us come down;
oh, fill us, fill us here
  with joy unknown!
Spirit the Comforter,
keep us and seal us here,
keep us and seal us here,
  till the day dawn!

Horatius Bonar, "Until the day break", 1890, 57-58. Originally without repetition of 6th line.

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