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Hymn score of: Who touched me? - Luke 8,45 (Horatius Bonar/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 465

Who touched me? - Luke 8,45
(Horatius Bonar/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Who touched me?

    Luke 8,45

1. "Who touched me?" dost thou ask?
  'Twas I, Lord, it was I.
"Some one hath touched me;" yes, O Lord,
  I am that "somebody."
I came, Lord, and I touched,
  for sore I needed thee;
forth from thee straight the virtue came:
  Lord, thou hast healèd me. (PDF - Midi)

2. And wouldst thou frown on me?
  Dost thou the boon repent?
Why, then, Lord, didst thou pass so near,
  as if to me just sent?
Thou, Lord, wert passing by;
  I knew all heaven was there;
a heaven of healing and of love
  thou didst within thee bear.

3. A heaven of grace and peace,
  of pardon and of joy;
Lord, wouldst thou have me let thee pass,
  and all that heaven go by?
What could I do but touch,
  and thou so nigh, so nigh?
What couldst thou do but heal, O Lord,
  ere I had time to cry?

4. Thou wert too near for prayer;
  I touched at once, and found
the fulness of the heaven of heavens,
  on this low earthly ground.
Speak then the word of cheer,
  say to my trembling soul,
Be of good comfort, go in peace,
  thy faith hath made thee whole.

Horatius Bonar, Hymns of Faith and Hope III, 1878, 127-128.

            PDF - Midi - Revised version (you instead of thou ...)