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Hymn score of: On thee, O Jesus, strongly leaning - Fellowship with Christ (Horatius Bonar/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 475

On thee, O Jesus, strongly leaning - Fellowship with Christ
(Horatius Bonar/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Fellowship with Christ.

1. On thee, O Jesus, strongly leaning,
  I calmly onward go;
no cloud, no coldness intervening,
  to damp love's blessed glow.
In thee for ever, Lord, abiding,
  I feel that all is well;
within thy love for ever hiding,
  who can my gladness tell? PDF - Midi

2. True Light of light, for ever shining,
  I hail thy happy ray;
bright Sun of suns, still undeclining,
  'tis thou who mak'st my day!
Without thee life and time are sadness,
  no fragrance breathes around;
but with thee even grief is gladness,
  my heart its home hath found.

3. In thee my soul is sweetly resting,
  my hand takes hold of thine;
my hope is ever upward hasting;
  and thou, and thou, art mine!
My refuge from each storm that rages,
  from wind, and wave, and war;
my home throughout eternal ages,
  above yon sparkling star!

4. My hope, my joy, my peace, my glory,
  my first, my last, my all;
great theme of the unending story
  in yon celestial hall.
Great theme above, of song and wonder,
  in ages yet to come;
true theme below, while here we wander,
  alas, how cold and dumb!

Horatius Bonar, Hymns of Faith and Hope III, 1878, 46-47.

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