Christ My Song - 555
The Son of God descends - The Just for the Unjust Cleansed
(Horatius Bonar/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
The Just for the Unjust.
"In te mortem mors necavit;
dum se ipsum immolavit
vera Christus hostia." (Old hymn)
1. The Son of God descends;
the promised Child is born;
the eternal Word becometh flesh;
shineth the star of morn! PDF - Midi
2. He lives a human life;
a human death he dies;
lies buried in a human grave,
the accepted sacrifice.
3. He riseth from the tomb,
and leaveth in his stead
the mortal wrappings of the flesh,
the raiment of the dead.
4. He took our place below,
we take his place on high:
he lived that we might live, he died
that we might never die.
5. Through him we come to thee,
O God of holy love!
He is the way, the truth, the life,
oh fix our hearts above!
6. Our life is in thy love;
without it all is night:
life is not life without thy love;
thy friendship is our light.
Horatius Bonar, The Song of the New Creation, 1872, 95-96.