Christ My Song-Logo
Hymn score of: We take the peace which he has won - The gift of peace (Horatius Bonar/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 563

We take the peace which he has won - The gift of peace
(Horatius Bonar/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

The gift of peace.

1. We take the peace which he has won,
  the peace which by his cross was made;
he is our peace, who maketh one;
  the reconciling blood is shed! (PDF - Midi)

2. He the long enmity has slain,
  the quarrel between man and God;
and he, at last, love's righteous reign
  has stablished by his precious blood.

3. The night, that on time's primal day
  so sadly, suddenly came down,
his rising light has swept away, –
  the midnight and the darkness gone.

4. We take the triumph he has bought
  for us, when he the spoiler slew,
the liberty which he has brought
  from heaven to earth, divine and true.

5. We take the pardon which he gives,
  true root and spring of holy fear;
we take the life that ever lives,
  and enter upon sonship here.

6. He that believes is not condemned!
  This is our watchword and our song;
thus unalarmed and unashamed,
  in light and joy we pass along.

7. 'Tis God that justifies! Amen.
  Who shall condemn his justified?
If God be on our side, who then
  can harm those for whom Jesus died?

8. He died, but rose, for life was his;
  his resurrection-joy was ours;
ours his eternal victories
  o'er principalities and powers.

9. In place of honour and of rest
  he sits, our mighty Advocate,
our names engraven on his breast;
  who from his love can separate?

10. Yes, he has entered into rest,
  and we with him shall enter there;
our place, our home among the blessed,
  he has ascended to prepare.

11. Near hope, and dear! It says, Be still.
  Care, trouble, weariness, depart;
with thoughts of coming rest, oh fill
  each region of this restless heart!

Horatius Bonar, Hymns of Faith and Hope III, 1878, 99-101 (Reads sometimes 'hath', here always 'has').

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