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Hymn score of: Light hath arisen, we walk in its brightness - The Walk of Faith (Horatius Bonar/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 574

Light hath arisen, we walk in its brightness - The Walk of Faith
(Horatius Bonar/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

The Walk of Faith.

1. Light hath arisen, we walk in its brightness;
  joy hath descended, its fullness has come;
peace hath been spoken, we hear it, we take it;
  angels are singing, and shall we be dumb? PDF - Midi

2. Calm 'mid the tempest around us that rages,
  'mid the lone weariness ever at rest;
silent amid the rude uproar of voices,
  sometimes disquieted, never oppressed.

3. Happy in him who hath loved us and bought us,
  rich in the life which he gives to his own;
filled with the peace passing all understanding,
  never less lonely than just when alone.

4. Bright 'mid the thickest of earth's rolling shadows,
  light of the glory still playing around;
sunshine at midnight, fair noon in the twilight,
  when the dark mist-gloom lies dull on the ground.

5. Safe in his strength, in his love ever happy,
  what are the tremblings and tossings of time?
Firm in his grasp, to his arm ever clinging,
  upward, still upward, we buoyantly climb.

6. High on the rock, in our fortress sure sheltered,
  wave, wind, and foeman assail us in vain;
buckler and shield is he, what can alarm us?
  What tho' the fiery darts shower like the rain?

7. Lead on, our Captain, we follow, we follow;
  life is no slumber, our battle no dream:
lift up thy banner, we rally, we rally;
  wave high thy sword, we press on in its gleam.

8. Jesus, to thee we look, Saviour almighty;
  Jesus, on thee we rest, happy and free;
Jesus, on thee we feed, bread of the hungry:
  Jesus our all, lo, we lean upon thee!

9. What are the shadows around us still floating?
  Sunshine is glowing all brightly above:
heed not the height of the cliffs we are climbing,
  from them we gaze on the land that we love.

Horatius Bonar, Hymns of Faith and Hope III, 1878, 33-35.

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