Christ My Song - 592
Not in thine anger, Lord - Psalm 6
(Horatius Bonar/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Psalm 6.
1. Not in thine anger, Lord,
me for my sins reprove;
not in thy burning wrath chastise:
oh deal with me in love.
For very weak am I:
Jehovah, heal thou me;
for shaken are my bones, my soul
is troubled bitterly. PDF - Midi)
2. But thou, O Lord, how long!
Return, my soul set free;
in greatness of thy mercy, Lord,
save and deliver me.
For not in death of thee
can we remembrance have;
who shall give thanks to thee, O Lord,
within the silent grave?
3. And weary, Lord, am I,
with these my groans and fears;
each night I make my bed to swim,
my couch dissolves in tears.
Mine eye with grief consumes,
grows old before its time,
because of all mine enemies:
depart, ye men of crime!
4. Jehovah hears the voice,
the voice of all my tears;
Jehovah to my cry gives heed,
my prayer Jehovah hears.
Ashamed and troubled be
mine enemies each one;
let them turn back, be put to shame,
and in a moment gone.
Horatius Bonar, Hymns of Faith and Hope III, 1878, 138-140.