Christ My Song - 681
O Lord, thy glory we behold - Unfoldings
(John Nelson Darby/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
1. O Lord, thy glory we behold,
though not with mortal eyes;
that glory, on the Father's throne,
no human sight descries. (PDF - Midi)
2. But though the world can see no more
him it cast out with scorn,
the eye of fresh-born faith can soar
above – where he is gone.
3. 'Tis not for human eye to see
nor human ear to hear,
nor heart conceive what it may be,
or bring the prospect near;
4. but God in love has freely given
his Spirit, who reveals
all he's prepared for those, in heaven,
whom here on earth he seals.
5. 'Tis thence, now Christ is gone on high,
redemption's work complete,
the Spirit brings his glory nigh
to those who for him wait.
6. Blessed gift! As sons we look above
and see the Saviour there;
and, fruit of God's now well-known love,
we shall his glory share.
7. God has been glorified in Man;
Man sits at God's right hand –
obedient in the race he ran,
can now all power command.
8. In lowliness on earth, as Son,
the Father he made known;
and now in heaven, his work all done
he sits upon his throne.
9. And we our great Fore-runner see
in his own glory there;
yet not ashamed – with such as we,
as First-born, all to share.
10. For we as sons through grace are owned,
and "Abba, Father," cry;
heirs too, so rich did grace abound,
joint-heirs with him on high.
11. The Father's love, the source of all,
sweeter than all it gives,
shines on us now without recall,
and lasts while Jesus lives.
12. The new creation's stainless joy
gleams through the present gloom,
that world of bliss without alloy,
the saint's eternal home!
John Nelson Darby, Spiritual Songs, 66-68.