John Nelson Darby
John Nelson Darby (1800-1882) has written some fine hymns, most of which (26) you may find here:
l A l B l F l I l J l L l O l R l S l T l W l
- A
- And is it so, I shall be like thy Son - The hope of day
- And shall we see thy face - Hope
- A B C
- B
- Blessed Father, infinite in grace - The Father's love
- A B C
- F
- Father, in thine eternal power - The Father's grace
- Father, thy name our souls would bless - Sons
- Father, thy sovereign love has sought - Love divine
- A B C
- I
- I'm waiting for the glory - Waiting for the glory
- I'm waiting for thee, Lord - The soul's desire
- It is not with uncertain step - The road
- A B C
- J
- Jesus, canst thou receive - A child's enquiry
- A B C
- L
- Lord Jesus, source of every grace - Expectation
- A B C
- O
- O Jesus, precious Saviour - Patience of hope
- O Lord, thy glory we behold - Unfoldings
- O Lord, thy love's unbounded - Unchanging love
- Oh, bright and blessed hope! - Fulness of joy
- Oh! bright and blessed scenes - Home
- Oh! the joy of the salvation - The endless song
- A B C
- R
- Rest of the saints above - The saints' rest
- Rise, my soul, thy God directs thee - God in the wilderness
- A B C
- S
- Sing without ceasing, sing - The upward way
- Soon we taste the endless sweetness - The Tree of life
- A B C
- T
- There is rest for the weary soul - Rest
- This world is a wilderness wide - A song for the wilderness
- To live of thee – blessed source of deepest joy! - Echo of songs in the night
- A B C
- W
- We'll praise thee, glorious Lord - Love displayed
- What powerful, mighty Voice, so near - The call
- A B C