Christ My Song - 697
It is not with uncertain step - The road
(John Nelson Darby/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
The road.
1. It is not with uncertain step
that we tread our homeless way;
a well-known Voice has called us up
to everlasting day. (PDF - Midi)
2. The voice of him who, whilom, trod
alone the trackless way,
(and marked the road that leads to God),
where we once, as lost, did stray;
3. nor leaves us now alone to trace
our path across the waste,
but leads us still with living grace
to the home to which we haste.
4. See! open stands the heavenly door,
whence the glory shines below,
to light the path where he's gone before,
and the bliss that awaits us show.
5. In patience then we may tread the path,
marked out by his footsteps here,
who has freed us from the coming wrath,
who has freed our hearts from fear;
6. may abide his will, for the longer road
where patience and faith are tried,
and count on a love which bears each load,
and our hearts from trial may hide.
7. He will still be there, be it long or brief,
our strength in every need;
himself our joy, our sure relief,
till from care in his presence we're freed.
(2,1: "Whilom" means "formerly – of old".)
John Nelson Darby, Spiritual Songs, 75-76.