Christ My Song-Logo
Hymn score of: Mighty Father! Blessed Son! - Mystery (John S. B. Monsell/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 706

Mighty Father! Blessed Son! - Mystery
(John S. B. Monsell/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)


How can these things be? (John 3,9)

1. Mighty Father! Blessed Son!
  Holy Spirit! Three in One!
    Evermore thy will be done!
Threefold is thy glorious might,
  threefold is thy Name of light,
    veiled before our mortal sight.
Threefold let our praises be,
  great mysterious One, to thee,
    undivided Trinity! (PDF - Midi)

2. Mighty Father! from the springs
  of thy life, all living things
    thy eternal purpose brings.
Blessed Son! Incarnate Word!
  Thou by death hast life restored,
    life, else forfeit to the Lord.
Holy Spirit! Thou hast moved
  o'er thy people's hearts, and proved
    the delight of being loved.

3. Father Everlasting! we
  are so drawn in love to thee,
    lest we should presuming be, –
Saviour! thou hast come so near,
  so familiar art, and dear,
    lest we should forget to fear, –
Holy Spirit! Sacred Dove!
  life so hangs upon thy love,
    lest we should unmindful prove, –

4. into myst'ry deeper, higher,
  thou dost awfully retire,
    lowest rev'rence to inspire;
and what seemed so near our eyes
  thou dost lift into the skies,
    farther than our sense can rise:
that, within the golden door
  sense and sight must wait before,
    Faith may enter, and adore.

5. Mystery! 'tis all around!
  Mystery! but 'Holy ground,'
    where thy mercy may be found.
Reason proud may turn to thee,
  ask to understand and see,
    whisper, 'How can these things be?
Awful and mysterious God!
  Have we then so near thee trod
    still with shoes unhallowed shod?

6. Winds around us soft are blowing, –
  all can feel, but who are knowing
    whence they come, and whither going?
How the planets, one by one,
  silver moon, and golden sun,
    their perpetual courses run;
how the buds and blossoms swell,
  how the flow'rs, with joyful bell,
    chime out fragrance, – who can tell?

7. Every hour on earth we find
  things, familiar as the wind,
    yet beyond the human mind:
something we, from day to day,
  trust and use, yet cannot say,
    we can read its secret way:
holy lessons God doth teach,
  which the inmost soul do reach,
    by more subtle paths than speech.

8. All such deep heart-teachings must
  humble to the very dust
    human pride and vain self-trust:
till our ignorance doth prove
  handmaid help to Faith an Love,
    while they lift the soul above:
and admonish us that more
  than our reason must adore,
    when we bow our God before.

9. O my God! mine all thou art!
  Take my whole in every part,
    nor my head, without my heart:
threefold is thy Love to me,
  threefold let my graces be,
    Faith, and Hope, and Charity!
Thus shall best 'Thy will be done,'
  Mighty Father! Blessed Son!
    Holy Spirit! Three in One!

John S. B. Monsell, 'Spiritual Songs', 1864, 109-112.

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