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Hymn score of: Saviour! thou hast done much, but we want more - The returning Dove (John S. B. Monsell/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 718

Saviour! thou hast done much, but we want more - The returning Dove (John S. B. Monsell/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

The returning Dove.

Sunday after Ascension Day.

Because I have said these things unto you, sorrow hath filled your heart. Nevertheless I tell you the truth; it is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you: but if I depart I will send him unto you. (John 16, 6-7)

1. Saviour! thou hast done much, but we want more,
  we cannot reach thee where thou now art gone;
coldly we plead, and heartlessly adore,
  thou art too far above us, Holiest One! (PDF - Midi)

2. O send us down some earnest that thy love,
  so tried, so proved, thro' absence does not cease;
we watch, we wait for the returning Dove
  to bring us back the olive-branch of peace.

3. The waters  s e e m  assuagèd – but thy word
  has bid us for thine own permission stay,
we dare not venture forth, till thou, O Lord,
  send down thy Dove to lead us on our way.

4. Once we could touch thee, hear thee, read thy face,
  and the deep meaning of its tender care,
thou wert beside us then in every place,
  thou art above us now – O Saviour! – where?

5. We want thee as of old, or nearer still,
  we want thee hidden here in every heart,
all time, all space, all thoughts, all souls to fill,
  and never more from us or ours depart.

6. And thou didst promise thou wouldst come again,
  nor leave us 'comfortless' on earth to mourn,
and thou didst go to get good gifts for men, –
  best gift of Heaven! O Saviour Christ! return!

7. Come – be thyself 'the Comforter' we need,
  all that we feel we want is – thee alone;
O pardon! if we know not what we plead,
  give us whatever makes thee most our own.

8. It cannot grieve The Spirit, if our love
  still long thy once familiar face to see;
come on the quivering pinions of the Dove,
  as once that Dove came lightning down on thee.

John S. B. Monsell, 'Spiritual Songs', 1864, 98-99.

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