Christ My Song - 745
How long, O Lord, in weariness and sorrow - How long? (Jane Laurie Borthwick/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
"How long?"
"How long, Lord? wilt thou hide thyself for ever?" (Psalm 89,46)
"Return, O Lord, how long?" (Psalm 90,13)
1. How long, O Lord, in weariness and sorrow,
must thy poor people tread the pilgrim road,
mourning today, and fearing for tomorrow, –
finding no place of rest, no sure abode? – PDF - Midi)
2. Sighing o'er faded flowers and cisterns broken;
gazing on setting suns, that rise no more;
list'ning to sad farewells, and last words spoken
by loved ones leaving us on Jordan's shore!
3. How long, through snares of error and temptation
shall noblest spirits stumble on their way?
How long, through darkening storms of tribulation,
must we press forward to eternal day?
4. How long shall passing faults and trifles sever
hearts that have known affection's holy tie?
When shall the slanderer's tale be hushed for ever,
and brethren see in all things eye to eye?
5. How long shall last the night of toil and sadness,
the midnight hour of gloomy doubts and fears?
When shall it dawn, that promised morn of gladness,
when thine own hand shall wipe away our tears?
6. How long, O Lord? our hearts are sad and weary,
our voices join the whole creation's groan; –
with eager gaze we watch for thine appearing, –
when wilt thou come again, and claim thine own?
7. Return! return! come in thy power and glory,
with all thy risen saints and angel throng;
bring to a close time's strange, mysterious story, –
how long dost thou delay, – O Lord, how long?
H.L.L., alias Jane Laurie Borthwick, Thoughtful Hours, 1863, 26-27.