Christ My Song-Logo
Hymn score of: Come, children, on and forward! - Pilgrim song (Frances Bevan/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 794

Come, children, on and forward! - Pilgrim song
(Frances Bevan/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Pilgrim song.

Psalm 136,16.

1. Come, children, on and forward!
  with us the Father goes;
he leads us, and he guards us
  through thousands of our foes:
the sweetness and the glory,
  the sunlight of his eyes,
make all the desert places
  to glow as Paradise. (PDF - Midi)

2. Lo! through the pathless midnight
  the fiery pillar leads,
and onward goes the Shepherd
  before the flock he feeds;
unquestioning, unfearing,
  the lambs may follow on,
in quietness and confidence,
  their eyes on him alone.

3. Come, children, on and forward!
  we journey hand in hand,
and each shall cheer his brother
  all through the stranger land;
and hosts of God's high angels
  beside us walk in white;
what wonder if our singing
  make music through the night?

4. Come, children, on and forward!
  each hour nearer home!
The pilgrim days speed onward,
  and soon the last will come.
All hail! O golden city!
  how near the shining towers!
Fair gleams our Father's palace:
  that radiant home is ours.

5. On! dare and suffer all things!
  yet but a stretch of road,
then wondrous words of welcome,
  and then the Face of God.
The world, how small and empty!
  our eyes have looked on him;
the mighty Sun has risen,
  the taper burneth dim.

6. Far through the depths of Heaven
  our Jesus leads his own,
the Mightiest, the Fairest,
  Christ ever, Christ alone.
Led captive by his sweetness,
  and dowered with his bliss,
for ever he is ours,
  for ever we are his.

Frances Bevan, Hymns of Ter Steegen, Suso and others 1, 1899, 27-29.

            PDF - Midi