Christ My Song-Logo
Hymn score of: Thou sweet beloved Will of God - The Will of God (Gerhard Tersteegen/Frances Bevan/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 815

Thou sweet beloved Will of God - The Will of God
(Gerhard Tersteegen/Frances Bevan/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

The Will of God.

"Here am I, let him do to me as seemeth good unto him."
(2 Samuel 15,26)

1. Thou sweet beloved Will of God,
  my anchor ground, my fortress hill,
the Spirit's silent fair abode,
  in thee I hide me and am still. (PDF - Midi)

2. O Will, that willest good alone,
  lead thou the way, thou guidest best;
a silent child, I follow on,
  and trusting, lean upon thy Breast.

3. God's Will doth make the bitter sweet,
  and all is well when it is done;
unless his Will doth hallow it,
  the glory of all joy is gone.

4. Self, Sense, and Reason, they may scorn
  that hidden way that leads on high –
still be my deepest will uptorn,
  an so the power of Nature die.

5. And if in gloom I see thee not,
  I lean upon thy love unknown –
in me thy blessed Will is wrought,
  if I will nothing of my own.

6. O spirit of a little child,
  of will bereft, untroubled, pure,
I seek thy glory undefiled;
  Lord, take my will, thy love is sure.

7. O Will of God, my soul's desire,
  my Bread of life in want and pain;
O Will of God, my guiding fire,
  unite my will to thine again.

8. O Will, in me thy work be done,
  for time, and for eternity –
give joy or sorrow, all are one
  to that blessed soul that loveth thee.

Frances Bevan, Hymns of Ter Steegen and others 2, 1899, 80-82.
Translation of the German “Liebwerter süßer Gotteswille” by Gerhard Tersteegen.

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