Christ My Song - 83
The grave is empty now, – its prey - The grave is empty now (Matthias Claudius/Henry Mills/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
The grave is empty now.
1. The grave is empty now, – its prey
has forth victorious gone!
Life over death has gained the day,
redemption's work is done! PDF - Midi
2. The learned scribes, with shrewd intent
to stop this strange affair,
their guard, to watch the grave, had sent,
its stone had sealed with care:
3. but all their wisdom's utmost skill
to shame is quickly turned:
God has a wisdom higher still
than any they had learned:
4. they could not understand the path
he in his grace pursues,
when now, by suff'rings and by death,
our living he renews.
5. Thank God! The grave has lost its prey,
redemption's work is done!
Life over death has won the day
thro' God's victorious Son!
Henry Mills, in: Philip Schaff: Christ in Song, 1870, 216-217.
Translated from the German Das Grab ist leer, das Grab ist leer - Das Grab ist leer
of Matthias Claudius.